Let’s answer some qs

Hey Reader,

Holy moley!

Since I announced the rebrand of the SEO Roadmap on Tuesday, I’m proud to say there have been some really awesome people join me in my mission to make a sustainable income blogging … for themselves! Seriously, I am blown away by who is joining.

And of course, I’ve also had a LOT of questions. (Which you know I love!)

And since the SEO Roadmap closes on August 30th, I thought I’d take a couple minutes to give you some answers.

Here are some As to your Qs:

Q: I’ve been burned by online courses so basically I’m skeptical of everything and need to know: How can I trust you?

A: First off, I GET IT! Holy crap. Everybody and their mother has an online course they’re trying to sell me lately. I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about here. But the good news? You don’t have to take a gamble. You don’t have to cross your fingers and hope this will work for you.

First, if you want a test drive of the SEO Roadmap, fabulous! You can watch my Youtube videos to get a sense of my teaching style and even check out this video that comes directly from the SEO Roadmap.

From those videos, you’ll see exactly my style of teaching and areas of expertise, and that I'm living and breathing these strategies every fricken day. And get a helping of what the SEO Roadmap is all about and what it can do for you.

(Chances are, if you’re reading this, you may have already watched some or all of those videos.)

If you watch them and don’t extract value, then don’t buy the course. It will be a let-down for you.

BUT if you feel the opposite, then what are you waiting for? Let’s do this.

I give you a 14 day (no fricken hassle!) guarantee when you pay in full so you can try it out and see if you like it — risk-free.

Q: I’m allergic to marketing-speak and language so technical I need to be a software developer. Is the SEO Roadmap right for me?

A: I have many superpowers, and one of them is breaking things down into bite-sized pieces and making it easy to digest.

You don’t need ANY previous SEO or marketing skills to create a 6 figure blogging business. I walk through exactly how to become a part-time blogger making a full-time income.

Don’t know how to tell the difference between a content silo and a content pillar? Or even what the heck that last sentence means and why it's important?

Fear not. I’ve got you covered Reader!

I’m here to guide you and save you a boatload of money when you enroll in the SEO Roadmap...even if you’ve never blogged a day in your life.

But this isn't just a beginner course.

I want to take you from beginner to intermediate to expert to "I'm running the whole class, I know this so well".

I have students who have been blogging for 4 years and are stuck at 20k sessions. Others who hit Mediavine but can't figure out how to unlock affiliate income. And many who want to create a digital product but don't know how to actually make something that will sell to a blog audience.

I've got you!

Q. How often is the course updated?

I update all my courses at least 1x per year to make sure they're still working with the latest strategies and softwares.

That includes the SEO Roadmap - soon to be the Profitable Part-Time Blogger.

I also keep my students up to date on to-the-minute changes in our private Facebook Group.

Q. What support is there?

A private Facebook group, quarterly Q&A calls, and I'm always happy to review sites in our FB group.

I also share case studies I'm testing and bring in guest experts for things I can't speak to.

Q. You said the SEO Roadmap is becoming a new course. Will the old lessons get deleted?


The Roadmap will stay as it is in your Thrivecart portal. Even the FB group is being paused so you can still refer back to it.

You'll ALSO get the new course in your Thrivecart and a new FB group once they're live (I anticipate it being done in September).

This means the modules that aren't being transfered over and are becoming new courses will still be yours.

Q. How many hours a week do I need to be successful at this strategy?

It will vary.

On average, I now work 15-25 hours a week running multiple blogs. But it did NOT start that way.

At some phases you'll definitely need to spend more - like when you first get started and things take you longer.

I'd roughly anticipate spending 20 hours per week consistently to grow a blog to a profitable income in the first year.

I varied from working 20 to 80 hours a week on my blog - I didn't track it so I don't have exact numbers - when I was in my 6 month growth strategy to start.

You will need to invest time - whatever you have to give - to grow it. The more you can invest, likely the faster you'll grow.

But there's no need to rush your success. If you have 10 hours a week to work with, that's plenty. Don't burn yourself out before you even begin.

Q. Why are you switching the price model?

I update the SEO Roadmap fully every 6 months. It got kind of ridiculous how much I would redo it cause I wanted to make sure it's the BEST it possibly can be for new strategies as they arise.

This pricing structure allows me to keep doing those updates sustainably and providing the group coaching I do in our private Facebook Group.

I did some great coaching with Elizabeth Goddard who helped me restructure it so that I can keep overdelivering without sacrificing the quality of the content or burning out.

Q. Alright, already. When does this start? And how long do I have access?

Right now! When you join, you can start right away. You get instant access to everything immediately, so only you decide how fast (or slow) your pace needs to be.

That said, if you’re all about the SEO Roadmap, but you aren’t ready to start yet… no big deal.

Regardless of when you choose to start, once you enroll you get lifetime access.That means you’ll always have access to the course whenever you’d like…and how ever many times you’d like. WOOHOO!

AND you'll get *free* access to the rebranded version, the Profitable Part-Time Blogger. New students will have to pay annually to stay in, but you'll get to keep my support for years to come!

Ready to join? Suh-weet.

I seriously cannot wait to see how much you learn and do for yourself inside the SEO Roadmap . Click here and let’s do this thing, baby.

See you inside!



P.S. Got more questions? You know what to do. Hit reply and let’s chat. I really want you to make the best choice for you and if you feel a chat would help with that, let’s do it.

Not interested in the SEO Roadmap? Just click here and I’ll remove you from the list receiving information about it (no hard feelings, I understand!). Don’t worry, you’ll still get my weekly newsletter.

Want to sponsor this newsletter and have your business featured in front of over 9,900 bloggers? Get all the details here. ​​

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My 6-figure blogging recommendations:

She Knows SEO

1 Willingdon Blvd 2nd Floor Suite 5, Toronto, ON M8X 2H1

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Nina Clapperton - She Knows SEO

Nina Clapperton is a multi-6 figure travel blogger and the founder of She Knows SEO. Nina learned SEO and scaled her blog to 50k sessions in 6 months. Within 13 months, she was making $30k/mo passively. She shares actionable SEO and AI tips in every email.

Read more from Nina Clapperton - She Knows SEO

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