🤯 My blogging strategy has changed

Hey Reader,

Google changed my life.

Not only did it get me through high school when they kept making us read Dickens - my ADHD can't wait 3 page descriptions of trees, dude.

It gave me a career.

It let me quit my soul sucking job as a law clerk.

It allows me to buy my dog a ridiculous supply of crocs.

I found SEO in January of 2021.

I got serious about SEO that December, and within 6 months got my travel blog into Mediavine.

It wasn't just ad revenue though.

Google grew my email list to 10k, helped me hit $30k months with affiliates and sponsorships, helped me sell over $10k in $7 courses on my travel blog without any promos, allowed me to work less than 20 hours per week while still making multi-6 figures.

But here's the thing: Google didn't actually do any of that.

I did that.

Google was a method of getting organic traffic.

But it couldn't magically accomplish all that without my strategies.

My strategies are a bit different than other bloggers, I've realized.

Over the last year I had a bit of a crisis over it, if I'm honest.

I got sucked into SEO Twitter where it's all about making the most money the fastest.

Blogs are more about niche sites and less about sustainable brands and businesses that can weather any updates.

They're all about a one-hit wonder. Get people on your site, and then you kind of don't care what happens to them.

I tried that.

I tried getting into writing heaps of affiliate round up posts and even tried writing them for things I've never done.

It was fine. It worked for a bit to make me some extra money.

But I kind of hated it.

It was too formulaic and impersonal.

Last year, I abandoned my travel blog.

I've shared about this many times since April of last year.

Even when it hit 300k pageviews/mo, I didn't like it anymore.

It had become this impersonal thing about living in places at a glance, but not really deep diving into living there.

The affiliate posts made - and still make actually - good money, but I hated writing them.

I felt like a fraud writing about living abroad when I'd decided to settle in Canada for the minute to deal with my health issues.

So I actively burnt it to the ground by buying some spammy links for a "test". Let's be real, I knew what would happen.

When the site got hit by the March update I was kind of relieved to have more of a reason to leave it behind while I shifted to projects I care more about.

So what's my new strategy, you ask?

It's actually something I pivoted to in the SEO Roadmap for Travel Bloggers a while back:

Audience first, algorithm second.

I'm still using SEO, cause it's fun and it still works for me (I haven't checked my HCU hit sites since March so we'll see how they fare after this update but my others are rocking it so far *knock on wood*).

>> Get the SEO Roadmap for $1,197 for the last time!

I'm tired of courses that teach you how to make money without caring about your audience.

Or just want you to write 1,000 blog posts and never leave your computer to see the sun.

Or that teach things they're not actually doing themselves.

That's why I'm burning it all to the ground again ... kinda.

I've been teasing all summer that the SEO Roadmap has some changes coming and they're finally here.

TLDR;; This is the LAST WEEK to get the SEO Roadmap for Travel Bloggers for a lifetime price (I hate that term, but I don't know any other way to say it).

The SEO Roadmap for Travel Bloggers is becoming Profitable Part-Time Blogger.

Here's what's shifting:

  • It's no longer just for travel bloggers. This is now a non-niche specific course. I'm going to include examples of a variety of niches since I have sites in so many areas (some I've been keeping a secret from all y'all. Sorry, I'm sneaky!)
  • It's a yearly program. We're shifting from $1,197 for life to an annual price. You will need to renew to get access to course updates and to stay in the community
  • It won't be 169 lessons anymore - YEP that's how many are in the current Roadmap. It takes on average 2 years for someone to complete all the trainings and implement them ... which is ridiculous. This will be streamlined and all about actions to take immediately to see results, and less me geeking out over SEO theory.
  • SEO is just one part of a framework. This changed last June but the name of the course never reflected that, so I want it to be clearer.
  • Some modules are being removed entirely to become their own courses - like strategies 3x your ad revenue without more traffic, how to hire a blogging team, and a year's worth of travel newsletter topics.

But you still have time to get the SEO Roadmap for a one-time price!

All SEO Roadmap students will be migrated over to the new program once it's ready - that was supposed to be this week, but between 2 weeks of migraines, my laptop imploding, and the new Google update it'll be a couple weeks likely.

You'll also get to keep the SEO Roadmap and all it's lessons. I'm not going to be deleting anything, so you'll get heaps of extra modules that won't be migrating to the new course.

It's not out of date by any means - I just redid the whole thing in January.

I just feel like the organization is ... bad, to be honest. It's choppy and often I put strategies in later lessons that I now feel should be in earlier lessons - like AIDA funnels not being in the intro.

This email is about my new framework - which is what the Profitable Part-Time Blogger is all about!

My dream has always been making a full-time income with part-time hours - and in a sustainable way so you don't have to worry about it vanishing in 2 years.

This is the strategy She Knows SEO was built on and what I think is ultimately best for any business.

I'm breaking it into 6 parts:

  • Master Business Mindset (marketing strategies focused on community)
  • Set Up Your Tech (web set up and analytics)
  • Attract Your Ideal Audience (SEO)
  • Monetization Market Research (affiliates)
  • Capture Community (email marketing)
  • Own Your Income (digital products/services)

The new course is built on my batch work system where each section (beyond the first 2) takes about 3 months each year, so you can keep rinsing and repeating.

Ready to build a profitable blogging business without working 40 hours a day??

>> Get the SEO Roadmap for $1,197 for the last time!

(there is a 6 month payment plan available, too)

Last day: Friday August 30th at 11:59pm EST

I'll be back in your inbox tomorrow - and the rest of this week - sharing some strategies and talking about the SEO Roadmap / Profitable Part-Time Blogger.

If you have any questions about either, hit reply!



P.S. Don't want to hear about this promo? Click here and you'll be unsubscribed from just this promotion sequence. I'll be back in your inbox on Tuesday next week with a newsletter.

Want to sponsor this newsletter and have your business featured in front of over 10,000 bloggers? Get all the details here. ​​

Affiliate Disclaimer: This email may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links, we may receive compensation at no extra cost to you. See our Disclosure Policy for more information. If you choose to buy through my links then THANK YOU - it will make it possible for me to keep writing these emails.

My 6-figure blogging recommendations:

She Knows SEO

1 Willingdon Blvd 2nd Floor Suite 5, Toronto, ON M8X 2H1

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Nina Clapperton - She Knows SEO

Nina Clapperton is a multi-6 figure travel blogger and the founder of She Knows SEO. Nina learned SEO and scaled her blog to 50k sessions in 6 months. Within 13 months, she was making $30k/mo passively. She shares actionable SEO and AI tips in every email.

Read more from Nina Clapperton - She Knows SEO

Hey Reader, I noticed you haven’t grabbed the SEO Roadmap yet…I just wanted to check in and say… That’s totally fine. 🙂 Seriously. Even with the SEO Roadmap's 14-Day No Questions Asked refund policy – It’s still a big decision. I totally get it. In fact, I’ve been answering questions all day about the course from other wicked smart researchers like you, who loved the idea of the program…but were a little hesitant… “….I’ve tried to make money from my blog before, and even with YouTube I...

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